Potatoes 2021
So far (as of 10 April 2021):
4 x rows of Charlotte,
2 x Sarpo Mira seeds (saved from last year):
2 x Desiree
2 x Cara
Making this year to be ten rows in total, one row equalling approximately half the width of the plot.
One of the Charlotte rows:
The same row of Charlotte with extra bone meal and fertiliser added.
I've also coddled these in a layer of compost, given that the weather is taking its time to get warm this year...
And some rows of Sarpo Mira (2) seeds saved over from last year.
Seem to struggle chitting these, so I've thrown them in before it gets too late. We'll see. Watch this space.
Updates to follow...
24 April 2021 - still waiting for something to appear...
The full set of potatoes planted last April. All have appeared. Probably wait until some time in July before I start harvesting. The line of string still visible at the bottom right of the photograph.
Let the harvest start (4 July 2021) of the first row of Charlotte's planted. Love the yellow kidney-shape of this variety. Superb waxy variety great for sautéing.
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