Planting broad bean seeds on a hot July day in 2018
An experiment.
Having previously planted in April 2018 approximately 24 broad bean plants of the Witkiem variety with moderate success - the allotment mice also had their share - I want see how feasible it is to plant somewhat later than that recommended on the seed packet, while not being an actual October/November late sowing, with the intention of getting yet more produce before the year is out.
Firstly I dig over, fertilise and water a section of plot sufficient to harbour roughly the same number of plants:
On this occasion I choose the Unwins 'Meteor' variety of broad bean, having never tried this before.
By the way, I still very much recommend the 'Witkien' variety mentioned in that while not being a huge cropper compared to the more mainstream makes, the beans are far less woody when fully grown. In terms of taste and quality I thought it won hands down compared to many others I have tried. So did the mice.
June / July 2018 has been exceptionally hot and dry so far, this day not excepted.
My rationale is that provided I pay due care and attention to watering and weeding, something ought to happen soon.
Watch this space. Updates to follow.
Update: 18 July 2018
Shoots are just starting to poke through, see the two appearing near my sandals:
Update 21 August 2018
Broad beans are coming on nicely...
Update 29 September 2018
Alas as we approach October the plants are starting to slowly die back, with very few beans appearing. Still, it was worth the try...
And here are some of the beans that did succeed:
Update 4 October 2018
And a few more beans appearing:
And here:
So while not a huge crop, we got some for October nonetheless.
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